Sunday 26 April 2009


I just realised we havn't posted in ages! Im sure we'll have some art soon. Meanwhile, Here is a picture I did on

Friday 20 February 2009

Water color painting

I haven't been drawing lately, sorry. I've been busy. Hope you like this pic. of Mt. Fuji in Japan.

Friday 13 February 2009

Why I REALLY should be ashamed.

Because I've left this blog for the past weeks.I had absolutely no time !
I was bored at school and I drew some eyes (I have a long childhood obsession with spooky,artistic,extraordinary eyes).Sadly,I have no scanner so the only thing you can see is that:
VERY VERY VERY Bad quality.I wish I could show you the original version,it's very detailed and took me some time to think about it.Oh,well,maybe next time I buy a scanner.Maybe not.
PS:The eyes have flames and the lips are very detailed and have nice shadows with some glossy effect :s
PPS:I am not at my pc,my pc has NO CAMERA.Disaster,right?

Tuesday 10 February 2009

A Ville Valo Drawing

Hey guys :)

I thought I'd post my lastest portrait on here, as you haven't seen any of my portaits yet. So, here is my first ever coloured portait. It's of the very good-looking Ville Valo. ^_^ I've been obsessed with Ville for years now, and he is one of the people I love to draw :P
I've been drawing portaits for about a year now. This drawing took about 2 hours. (I'm quicker on grey portaits.)

By the way, sorry for the bad quality, blame my scanner XD



Sunday 8 February 2009

Christian Dior

A Christian Dior dress from his Spring 2008 collection (Yes, I do mean 2008)
I thought I did a good job except for the hat and earrings. :D

Punk Portrait

Look atthe post below for some more drawings that I scanned :D
Ville Valo forever !

Some scanned images

Own design Portrait of Neda (n.stoggete)

Karl Lagerfeld Shoes & Dress

Own design

Versace Dress, Own design shoes

Chanel Bag, Own design Shoes & Bag

Friday 6 February 2009


Hi, I am Gosia. I was intended to contribute here first together with Sophia, but my interntet was off for a few days, so I only post from now...

For my first post I would like to show you my dressup of Lily Donaldson.

The green dress and the face are mine... :D

Close up-

If you want to play in the dressup, mail me on and I will send you the dressup :)

(You must have photoshop)

X- Gosia

Saturday 31 January 2009

More sketches

I've got so many sketches of countless things. As I told you I usually don't finish my drawings so these don't have hands, or faces and the first one doesn't have feet. X)
I'm lazy.

Party: You're invited!

You are officially Invited to Sophia's Futuristic Ball.
It will be held in MiSS-SOPHiA's guestbook, and will start at 5:00 GMT. The dress code is futuristic, AKA Gareth Pugh, Louise Goldin and Preen, Wear loads of white, with edgy cuts and towering heels. The party is TODAY.
Hope you can come! Sophia xo.

Some of my drawings

Here are the pictures I used to get on this blog! :D
The first one I painted (with water colours).
And the second one is my medoll (spoiledjr555 [horrible name I know]) and a sketch of what I think Renesme looks like, btw she's from Twilight. As you can see there are other sketches on the back of this, but they're just anatomy and such. Most of my drawings I don't finish (e.g. I don't draw the hands or legs. In this case I only drew the heads.) unless I'm totally dedicated to it. I'm too lazy or it takes way to much of my time to get it just right.


Hi! My name is Stephanie and I'm from the U.S.! And I'm so glad to be an artist for this blog! I'll post a few pictures later.

I've been drawing all my life. I've had no "professional" help, but I draw pretty well. Hopefully you'll think that too!


Thursday 29 January 2009

Sophia's Post 3, 4, 5 & 6

Abouve:Topshop ad

Abouve: Karl Lagerfeld Dress & Shoes

Something I made in Photoshop.

Hello,it's me Fay.As you know,I love photoshop.I have a wacom board and I enjoy drawing various things..
Today I decided to make something random and I decided to portray an imaginary person..Well,not exactly,it's just eyes and lips because I left it a bit to chance and thought to let the readers use their illusion about who that person could be...Free drawing's great!

I have some "eye it like hell" drawings too..
Get prepared for a dress coming soon...

Hey o.O

I'm Neda, and I'm kinda new to the whole "blogesphere" thing, so exuse me :D
I know Sophia very well, we go to school together! I absolutley love drawing, I am paticularly good at abstract portraits.
See you soon!
Neda xoxo

Yasmin's first drawing post.

Hey ^_^

So, I was chosen to be an artist at 'The Living of Art' just yesterday, but I thought I'd show you all one of my latest pictures. I did this picture when I was in a Science class the other day, when I was bored.

So this is a picture of an alien, but with 'snake' hair. For ages I've wanted to draw a picture of a girl with snake hair, and cloudy eyes, so I came up with this. Sorry that the picture was taken on an awkward angle. It's also not completely done yet, I still need to shade the arms and finish the outfit.

Let me know what you think.



Wednesday 28 January 2009

Me,Myself & I

My name is Fay,I am from Greece (!) and that's all you need to know,eeeh?
I like drawing rl portrets and stuff and...Virtual as well.I have taken up stardoll clothes designing,I really enjoy it.
I'll be posting a lot..
Thanks to Gosia and Sophia for the opp.

PS:The dress I'm wearing in the banner is Alexander McQueen "virtualized" by me...See the full version BELOW :

Yasmin ^__^

Hey ^_^ As well as Ciara, I am also a new artist. My name is Yasmin and I am from England. I love to webdesign, draw and read. I also have an obsession with Gothic architecture. ^_^
I've pretty much been drawing my whole life, but I only became serious about my drawing about 3 years ago. I started off drawing anime, then about a year ago, attempted portraits. I'm now drawing portraits and fantasy art. I hope you'll like my drawings because I've put a lot of work into them, but of course, I have got a lot of room for improvement.

Introducing Ciaraleanne...

Hi! I am Ciara, Ciaraleanne from stardoll. Yep! It's my real name. I am 13 years old and from Ireland (Not that you really need to know that! haha!).

I am a new artist to the blog and I am extra excited to show you my art. I have been drawing since I was young, although I wasn't all that good until I turned 6 or 7 and drew a picture of animals, which I think were elephants, and it blew my family away. I just all of a sudden got the talent of drawing and I am currently doing higher level art in school (Which is pretty good to be in).
I really hope you will like my artwork, although most of it is still being worked on so you will need to wait for a little while. ;)

Keep your eyes open for some of my drawings, paintings, etc. Hope you love!

Thank you,

